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OOO "ФилФар Технолоджи"

070894 | ZSB070894

070894 | ZSB070894, фото 2
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Техническая спецификация в PDF  

Mechanical values and environment

HousingPlastic yellow
CapElastomer PAK arm, black
Net 2,5 kg
Ambient temperature -5 ... 50 °C
Degree of protectionIP65
Mechanical life
Position 1-2-1min.0,1 x 106
Position 1-2-3-1min.0,1 x 106
Switching principleSlow-action contact element
Number of positively driven contacts 1
Number of NO contacts 2
ConnectionFlying lead
Cable length
straight 10 m

Electrical connection ratings

Rated conditional short-circuit current 100 A
Utilization category according to EN 60947-5-1
AC-152A 24V
400mA 24V
DC-132A 24V
100mA 24V
Short circuit protection according to IEC 60269-1
at 24V2A gG In case of operating voltages other than DC 24V, the short circuit protection must be dimensioned accordingly and checked.
Additional elements at 24V0.1A gG In case of operating voltages other than DC 24V, the short circuit protection must be dimensioned accordingly and checked.
Rated insulation voltage Ui 250 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 0,8 kV
Switching voltage
Min. at 10mAmin.12 V
Switching current
Min. at 24 Vmin.1 mA
Degree of contamination (external, according to EN 60947-1)
Industry 3
Connecting cable8x0.5mm? + 8x0.14mm? 4x0.5mm? screened + 4x0.5mm? unscreened + 8x0.14mm? unscreened. Outer screen over everything.


Additional feature
Version2 pushbuttons illuminated (+ and -) 1 selector switch

Reliability values acc. to EN ISO 13849-1

Enabling switch
B10D 0,5 x 106


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Информация для покупателя

ООО «ФилФар Технолоджи»

220036, г. Минск, ул. Западная, д.13, к.519

Дата регистрации в Торговом реестре/Реестре бытовых услуг: 18.03.2015

Номер в Торговом реестре/Реестре бытовых услуг: 220993, Республика Беларусь

УНП: 192123248

Регистрационный орган: Минский горисполком

Дата регистрации компании: 18.09.2013

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