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OOO "ФилФар Технолоджи"

TF8010 | TC3 Building Automation Basic

TF8010 | TC3 Building Automation Basic, фото 2
Информация для заказа

The TC3 Building Automation Basic software library allows the implementation of all functions which are important for room automation. Among these are lighting (constant light control, light dimmer…), facade control, scaling functions, filter blocks, timer functions and peak load limiter for energy optimisation.


Техническая спецификация в PDF    

Technical dataTF8010
Target systemWindows 7/8/10, Windows CE

Ordering information
TF8010-0v20TC3 Building Automation Basic, platform 20 (Economy)
TF8010-0v30TC3 Building Automation Basic, platform 30 (Economy Plus)
TF8010-0v40TC3 Building Automation Basic, platform 40 (Performance)
TF8010-0v50TC3 Building Automation Basic, platform 50 (Performance Plus)
TF8010-0v60TC3 Building Automation Basic, platform 60 (Mid Performance)
TF8010-0v70TC3 Building Automation Basic, platform 70 (High Performance)
TF8010-0v80TC3 Building Automation Basic, platform 80 (Very High Performance)
TF8010-0v81TC3 Building Automation Basic, platform 81 (Many-core 5…8 Cores)
TF8010-0v82TC3 Building Automation Basic, platform 82 (Many-core 9…16 Cores)
TF8010-0v83TC3 Building Automation Basic, platform 83 (Many-core 17…32 Cores)
TF8010-0v84TC3 Building Automation Basic, platform 84 (Many-core 33…64 Cores)
TF8010-0v90TC3 Building Automation Basic, platform 90 (Other)
TF8010-0v91TC3 Building Automation Basic, platform 91 (Other 5…8 Cores)
TF8010-0v92TC3 Building Automation Basic, platform 92 (Other 9…16 Cores)
TF8010-0v93TC3 Building Automation Basic, platform 93 (Other 17…32 Cores)
TF8010-0v94TC3 Building Automation Basic, platform 94 (Other 33…64 Cores)


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Информация для покупателя

ООО «ФилФар Технолоджи»

220036, г. Минск, ул. Западная, д.13, к.519

Дата регистрации в Торговом реестре/Реестре бытовых услуг: 18.03.2015

Номер в Торговом реестре/Реестре бытовых услуг: 220993, Республика Беларусь

УНП: 192123248

Регистрационный орган: Минский горисполком

Дата регистрации компании: 18.09.2013

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